شركة فرص للتمويل الجماعي بالدين مساهمة مقفلة
FE description
نوفر حلول تمويلية سريعة وسلسة لمواصلة دعم تنمية أعمالك التجارية بمرونة تامة. يوفر لك التمويل التجاري من فرص فرصة الحصول على تمويل سريع وسهل للقضاء على العوائق المالية التي قد تقف أمام ازدهار أعمالك.

Funding entity details

Contact Number
Funding type selected

Product Criteria

Supported products

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 48
Supported funding amount
200000 - 30000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
12 - 420
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 1 to 3 - )
  • Has bank account statement
  • Provide guarantees for financing

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 48
Supported funding amount
100000 - 30000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
12 - 420
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 1 to 3 - )
  • Has bank account statement

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Small
SME status
SME Existing
SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 36
Supported funding amount
100000 - 20000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
12 - 420
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 1 to 10 - Audit )
  • Has bank account statement
  • Has point of sale ( Minimum annual value 3000000.00 Maximum annual value 20000000.00 )
  • Provide guarantees for financing

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 100
Supported funding amount
500000 - 30000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
12 - 420
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 1 to 3 - )
  • Has bank account statement
  • Provide guarantees for financing