البنك السعودي للاستثمار
FE description
البنك السعودي للاستثمار – مؤسسة مالية خاضعة لرقابة وإشراف البنك المركزي السعودي، رقم السجل التجاري 1010011570

Funding entity details

Contact Number
Funding type selected

Product Criteria

Supported products

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Micro Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 120
Supported funding amount
500000 - 100000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
24 - 120000
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 3 to 3 - Audit )
  • Has bank account statement

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Micro Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 120
Supported funding amount
500000 - 100000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
24 - 120000
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 3 to 3 - Audit )
  • Has bank account statement

Funding Entity Criteria

Enterprise Size
Medium Micro Small
SME status
SME Existing
All Red SmallRedCategoryA SmallGreenCategoryA MediumGreen HighGreen LowGreen Yellow Platinum
Repayment Period (Months)
3 - 120
Supported funding amount
500000 - 100000000
Commercial Registration Age (in months)
24 - 120000
Supported Regions

Financing terms

  • Has Financial Statements ( Number of Years from 3 to 3 - Audit )
  • Has bank account statement